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Patent fees and payment instructions

You can find all fees in the left-hand menu (on small screens you will find the menu at the top of the page).

The fees are based on the Decree of the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on the Chargeable Services of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). You will find a link to the decree in Finnish and Swedish on the page "Legislation related to our administrative sector".

You can pay the fee

  • by bank transfer to the PRH’s account
  • via the PRH Patent Payment Service. Read more about the payment service.
  • by payment card or with the MobilePay application when visiting our Customer Service point in person (by appointment only, no cash payment), or
  • online by credit card, when filing a Finnish national patent application using our online service.

If you order certificates or register extracts or use our information and search services, we will send you an invoice. When ordering a priority document, companies can select the payment service as the payment method instead of paying the priority document fee by invoice.

You can pay the fees into any of the accounts below.

Bank Account Number (IBAN) BIC code
Danske Bank A/S, Finland Branch FI34 8919 9710 0007 32 DABAFIHH
Nordea Bank Abp FI97 1660 3000 1042 27 NDEAFIHH

Finnish Patent and Registration Office:
Business ID: 0244683-1
VAT number: FI02446831

New applications

Fees related to new applications can be paid when filing the application. Alternatively, you can wait for us to send you a payment reminder with the reference number needed for the payment. In the first case, you can inform us about the payment by sending us a copy of the payment receipt, or by filling in the message field of your bank payment with the text “New patent application" and the name of the applicant given in the application.

Details of fees due for payment for patents and public patent applications

To see the reference number and other details of fees due for payment within six months, access our Patent Information Service and search by the patent number or the application number. The details of annual fees for European patents validated in Finland can also be found by searching the Patent Information Service. The annual fees due for payment for European patents are shown in the Patent Information Service after we have given public notice of the European patent.

Go to the Patent Information Service.Open link in a new tab

Payment from outside Finland

If you make a payment to the PRH’s account from a non-Finnish bank account, you must also pay any handling fees charged by your bank. It is crucial that you pay the correct sum of money to our account by the due date. We do not send payment reminders abroad. As the patent holder, you are responsible for paying the annual fee and any other fees on time. If you pay annual fees for several patents, applications or supplementary protection certificates at the same time, you must send a specification of the fees by email to vm(a)

If companies outside Finland use the PRH payment service and deposit account, they will avoid the handling fees and ensure that their payments arrive at the PRH quickly. Read more about the deposit account.

More information about payments

If you have any questions about payment and our fees, please contact our Advisory Service. See the contact details of our Advisory Service.

Printable version Latest update 08.02.2023