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Online exchange of priority documents – Digital Access Service (DAS)

The Digital Access Service (DAS) is WIPO’s electronic library allowing priority documents to be exchanged between participating intellectual property offices.

Patent applicants do not have to submit their priority documents to another patent offices themselves; instead, they can ask for the documents to be uploaded to the DAS, from where the office requesting the document can retrieve it. The DAS guarantees data security, and only authorized offices have access to it.

The service includes priority documents related to national patent applications, PCT applications, and utility model applications.

Priority documents from PRH to other patent offices

Send us an informal order for a priority document, make it clear that you want the document to be uploaded to the DAS, and provide us with your email address. Once we have uploaded the document, you will receive an access code by email for forwarding to the authority who will retrieve the document from the DAS.

The fee for uploading a priority document to the DAS is the same as for a paper document. If needed, you can also order printouts of your priority document in the same order. Check the current fees in our price list.

Priority documents to PRH from other patent offices

When you want us to retrieve priority documents issued to you by other patent authorities from the DAS, send us an informal request with the following details:

  • type of application (national patent, PCT, or utility model)
  • country code
  • application number
  • priority date
  • access code

Further information:

The list of the participating offices and other information about the DAS is available on the WIPO website.Open link in a new tab

Should you have any questions or technical problems related to the DAS, contact WIPO using their contact form, or call the number to the right at the bottom of the page.Open link in a new tab

Printable version Latest update 10.06.2019