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Application services for register information

Information from the Trade Register, Register of Enterprise Mortgages, and Register of Foundations is also available via the Web Service interface as XML messages to clients’ own applications.

The application services provided via the interface are suitable for businesses and authorities who want, for example,

  • to automatically update or retrieve register information to their own databases;
  • to resell register information;
  • to develop new services for their own clients’ needs.

Virre application services

You can use the Virre application services, for example, to get the following register information:

  • basic details of businesses (Business ID; company name and its history; place of registered office; line of business; contact details; whether bankrupt, in liquidation or under restructuring; parallel company name(s) and auxiliary company name(s), if any; termination of business);
  • current Trade Register entries (details of an extract in PDF format);
  • Articles of Association, partnership agreements, or rules (in PDF format);
  • pending notifications to the Trade Register;
  • company representatives (roles and authorisations to sign documents);
  • a person's current or previous roles, as recorded in the Trade Register;
  • a foundation’s details;
  • enterprise mortgage details;
  • confirmation of whether a person is/is not authorised to represent a company on his/her own.

As a search criterion, you can use the business’ or foundation’s name or Business ID, or personal identity code. In some services, you can restrict the search by date.

Images of financial statements via the interface

Via our financial statements image archives, you can search for images of companies’ financial statements (in pdf format) through the interface. The image archives contain the following information:

  • company name, Business ID;
  • domicile;
  • date of registration in the Trade Register;
  • information about whether the business is in liquidation, under restructuring, bankrupt, or dissolved;
  • financial statements in PDF format.

You can use the business’ or foundation’s name or Business ID as a search criterion.

Use the Data Exchange Layer to download details from the Business Information System and Virre

Authorities and businesses can use the Data Exchange Layer to download company search details from the Business Information System (BIS) in a machine-readable format. The BIS is jointly maintained by the PRH and the Tax Administration, In addition, authorities and businesses can use the Data Exchange Layer to retrieve detailed Trade Register details on to their systems.

In addition to basic details, it is possible to have so-called extensive details on the company as well as the company’s Trade Register extract in a machine-readable format from the Trade Register’s Virre Information Service.

It is free of charge for authorities to search details from the Business Information System and Virre for their own systems. Companies can become users by paying a fee. The use requires that organisations also connect to the Data Exchange Layer and conclude an agreement with the PRH.

More information on the Data Exchange Layer and the services it provides to authorities and companies via it is available on the Data Exchange Layer website. Go to the Data Exchange Layer website.Open link in a new tab

How can I start using the application services?

In order to become a user of our application services, you have to set up a contract with us. In the service, the information is transferred via a technical interface, which does not include any user interfaces.

These services are subject to the following fees:

  • Joining fee of 1,250 euros + VAT 25.5%
  • Prices per search: from 0.00 to 8.50 euros + VAT 25.5%

Please contact us for further details about our application services, or ask for our terms of contract and a description of the interface to be sent to your email: tel. +358 29 509 5675 or email tietopalvelut(a)

Printable version Latest update 01.09.2024