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How to supplement and correct notifications in the Trade Register

‍We will send the person who filed the notification a request to correct the notification if we cannot register the notification as it is.

We will give you a deadline to correct or complete your notification in the request. The deadline is usually in one month. 

The notification will lapse if you do not submit the requested corrections by the deadline. In such a case, we will not refund the handling fee.

How to respond to a request to correct the notification 

You can respond to a request to correct the notification in the online service at or using a paper form. 

Please note that the online service and the correction form are only available in Finnish and Swedish. 

Proceed as follows when you respond in the online service at

  1. Log in to the service. You will need to have a Finnish personal identity code and either personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card).
  2. In the service, select Lähetä korjaus/Skicka din korrigering (“Send correction”).
  3. Enter the Business ID (Y-tunnus/FO-nummer) of the company, and the record number (diaarinumero/diarienummer) of the notification you want to correct. You will find these details in the request to correct the notification.
  4. Attach the requested details in Word or PDF format and send.
  5. The service will inform you when the submission has been transmitted successfully and sent to the Trade Register for processing. 

Log in to the online service at using e-Identification.Open link in a new tab

Proceed as follows when you respond using forms

  1. Save the form on your computer before filling it in. Please note that the form is only available in Finnish and Swedish. Open the correction form (in Finnish). (PDF, 235.9KB)Open link in a new tab
  2. File all identification details using a personal data form. Do not include personal identity codes or home addresses on any other notification forms. Open the personal data form. (PDF, 723.9KB)Open link in a new tab
  3. Proceed according to the instructions on the form.
  4. If you are filing personal identity codes, send the forms by post (address: PRH –Tax Administration, Business Information System, P.O. Box 2000, 00231 Helsinki, Finland) or by secure email.
Printable version Latest update 29.08.2024