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The PRH deregisters limited liability companies and co-operatives that have not filed their beneficial owner details

All limited liability companies and co-operatives must file their beneficial owner details with the Finnish Trade Register. This does not apply to listed companies or mutual real estate limited companies.

The PRH may remove the company from the Finnish Trade Register or order it into liquidation if the company does not file their beneficial owner details despite the reminders. The company may be deregistered if it has not filed their beneficial owner details.

The deregistration procedure ends as soon as the company files a separate notification of beneficial owners by the deadline. The notification is free of charge. Read our instructions: How to file a notification of beneficial owners.

See the deregistration procedure and the legislation for more information below.

Step 1 of the dereg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dure: a re­min­der let­ter to the com­pany


The PRH sends a reminder letter to the company that has neglected to file the notification of beneficial owners. The PRH gives the company three weeks to file the details.

Listed companies or mutual real estate limited companies: If your company receives a reminder letter, please contact the PRH by email at valvonta[at]


The PRH sends a reminder letter by post to the company’s address, as recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at

Step 2 of the dereg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dure: the PRH makes an en­try in the Finnish Trade Reg­is­ter

The com­pany does not file

If the company fails to file the notification of beneficial owners, the PRH will publish the reminder in the Official Journal and record the reminder in the company's Trade Register details. The PRH sends the company a Trade Register extract of the registration.

The company has 3.5 months to file a notification of beneficial owners free of charge.

In the reminder, the company owners and creditors are requested to make their remarks about the deregistration of the company or any liquidation.

The no­ti­fi­ca­tion is filed

If the company files a notification of beneficial owners by the deadline, it will no longer be risking deregistration.

If the PRH has made an entry in the Trade Register of the missing beneficial owner details, the PRH will remove the entry.

The company continues to operate as normal.

Step 3 of the dereg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dure: the com­pany is re­moved from the Finnish Trade Reg­is­ter

The com­pany does not file

If the company fails to file the notification of beneficial owners by the deadline, the PRH will remove the company from the Finnish Trade Register or order it into liquidation.

The company may be ordered into liquidation on application, if the PRH receives a report that the company’s assets are adequate to cover the liquidation costs, or if someone else notifies the PRH that they will cover the liquidation costs.

A company cannot carry out business if it is removed from the Finnish Trade Register. Read more about the effects of deregistration.

The company may appeal the decision at the Helsinki Administrative Court.

The PRH sends the decision and appeal instructions to the relevant company’s address, as recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at

The no­ti­fi­ca­tion is filed

If the company files a notification of beneficial owners by the deadline, it will no longer be risking deregistration.

The PRH removes the entry of missing beneficial owner details from the company’s register details.

The company continues to operate as normal.

See the legislation for more information

Read more about the acts in the reference database of Finnish legislation Finlex in Finnish or Swedish:

  • Limited Liability Companies Act, chapter 20, sections 2, sections 4–5
  • Co-operatives Act, chapter 23, section 2, sections 4–5
  • Act on Money LaunderingOpen link in a new tab, chapter 6, section 4
  • Trade Register Act, sections 5 and 28

Go to the Legislation page in Finnish or Swedish for links to the Limited Liability Companies Act, the Co-operatives Act and the Trade Register Act:

Printable version Latest update 30.09.2024