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Protect your intellectual property: SME Fund open for grant applications again

Small and medium-sized companies have the opportunity to receive financial support to protect and gain greater control over their intellectual property under the Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund grant programme. The support is granted by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

What is the support granted for?

Support is granted for the following:

  • Charges paid to a public authority when applying for a trademark or a design right
  • IP pre-diagnostic service (IP Scan)
  • Charges paid to a public authority when applying for a patent, patent novelty searches carried out by public authorities, and patent applications filed with the European Patent Office (EPO)
  • Registration of an EU Community Plant Variety Right

Please note that the applicant must have received an affirmative decision on granted support (a voucher) before paying any application and service fees.

Read more about the IP pre-diagnostic service (IP Scan).

Where and when to apply for the support?

Send your application to the EUIPO SME Fund.

Read further instructions on the EUIPO website.Open link in a new tab

How much support is available?

The amount of support depends on the applications your company has filed and the services it has ordered. The support is disbursed retrospectively for the fees your company has paid. The amount paid out varies according to what the support is granted for (50–90%).

Maximum amounts of SME Fund support:

  • Charges paid to a public authority when applying for a trademark or a design right: EUR 1,000
  • IP pre-diagnostic service (IP Scan): EUR 1,350
  • Charges paid to a public authority when applying for a patent, and patent novelty searches carried out by public authorities: a total of EUR 1,500 as well as charges for preparing patent applications filed with the European Patent Office (EPO): EUR 2,000
  • Registration application of the EU Community Plant Variety Right and the examination fee for it: a total of EUR 1,500

More information on the support and how it can be used is available on the EUIPO website.Open link in a new tab

For further information, please contact

Olli Ilmarinen
Development Specialist
Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Tel. +358 29 509 5236

Tuulimarja Myllymäki
Head Legal Adviser
Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Tel. +358 29 509 5399

Printable version Latest update 16.09.2024